A refugee who likes technology, geopolitics and interesting videos.

I did the UI/UX for Memmy which you can find at [email protected]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Sound mixing has gotten absolutely terrible. Vox did a pretty good video on why which explained a lot about it.

    From what I can remember a few key points are

    • The director has a lot more play with sound now, so they’re trying to make it in their ‘vision’, which usually means deafening explosions and background noise and quiet dialogue.
    • Microphones have gotten a hell of a lot better over time. Both directors and actors have picked up on this. Mics have gone from being huge and failure prone to something that can fit in an actors jacket, perfectly capturing everything they say. This has the unfortunate side effect of actors gaining a mumble… usually to sound more dramatic. This has the other side effect of not being able to understand what they’re saying.
    • Theatres have constantly upgraded their audio equipment and some now have 128 channels of sound (Dolby Atmos). When you’re watching on your television, you’re likely watching with stereo, which is two channels. Even if you have a fantastic home theatre setup, you’re probably going to have 11 channels at most, which is usually through a 4K Blu-ray disc. It’s the job of the sound mixers to make sure that the sound is coherent over these channels, but going from the master with 128 channels to 2 channels is a difficult job.
    • Audience expectations have changed and technology has changed with it. Movies have progressively become more and more focused on spectacle rather than story. It’s far easier now to add some explosions or have a huge monster pick up a car and toss it, naturally you’d expect these to make some noise… which they do. A loud noise naturally has an impact on you, it’s just human nature. They want to use that to their advantage and have begun to prefer that over dialogue.

    But you can combat the storm!

    Closed captioning is an obvious one but there is other methods such as dynamic range compression. This is like sacrilege to audiophiles but they’re the ones who caused this in the first place so they deserve it. Effectively, it amplifies quiet sounds whilst reducing loud sounds. Explosions can still be heard but they’re quieter and dialogue can be heard again. Huzzah!

  • Haha yeah, I get what you mean. The issue is trying to explain these things within my self-imposed limit. I wanted it to be less than 5 pages and under 200 words.

    Unfortunately corners do have to be cut somewhere to achieve that. It’s something that’s quite complex to explain and I think I did an okay job. When it comes to terminology, I think hub is much better than instance. Centralised was one I dwelled on for awhile but I decided to leave it in the end as it provides a comparison to traditional social media platforms.

    I think some illustrations would go a long way as well with it, but my illustration skills are practically non-existent. I can do UI and UX but not illustration :P

    The idea of it wasn’t to be a detailed guide on it, it needed to be quick and simple. I’m planning on having some kind of knowledgebase in the future, which will give more guidance, information on terminology and inner workings. It’s something that I definitely want to do but it’s not in focus at the moment.

    For now, I think it’ll be a helpful guide. I’m sure it’ll change in the future and I’ll be surprised if it didn’t. As the saying goes, if I had more time, I would’ve written a shorter letter. I’m pretty sure I’ll write a shorter and better explanation in the future. Hopefully sooner rather than later :P

  • Yup, this is in the latest build. I’m planning on having the instance selection be available in the account screen in the future, although I called it hubs to make it more user friendly.

    The whole idea of it was to be hopefully easy to understand for new users whilst having functionality that veterans would enjoy. Newbies will hopefully appreciate the guide and veterans should appreciate the instance selection for new and old accounts.

    The background is just something I grabbed quickly from Unsplash. I’m planning on changing it in the future to something more appropriate. It was originally just supposed to be a placeholder :P

    I’m quite pleased with how it’s turned out but I’m always looking for feedback on possible ways to improve it or things we should do differently.

    The main focus of the redesign and the rebrand was to make things more user friendly and applicable to a larger audience. Hopefully this makes it much easier to bring new users over to the Fediverse!