I kinda wish there was a way to get tap water fortified with whatever magnesium it is thats in spring water or failing that magnesium glycinate.

My understanding is magnesium deficiency is a common thing and that lack of it causes several musculo-skeletal and nervous system problems and in general a less relaxed state of being when deficient

San pellegrino would be interesting to look at since it has a good deal of magnesium in its spring water, those lucky bastards got that good stuff on tap😋

  • isableandaking
    2 days ago

    I listed them, but got downvoted, people want to blindly claim things…they don’t even realize only a handful countries do this, they don’t know what type of fluoride it is and that they all pay for it, they have not read how it already fucks up black people and latinos.

    No one is saying don’t use a fluoride toothpaste where you topically apply to your teeth and not orally ingest most of it, glad I grew up somewhere they didn’t do that lol.