For me these have entered into my must haves

  • BetterDisplay: For better scaling support for external monitors
  • Rectangle: To be able to use a mouse to drag and snap windows
  • Pixea: To be able to double click an image with a mouse in any folder and then use arrow keys or scroll wheel to proceed to the next file in the folder. Replaced the stock preview with this.

Something I’m looking for now is the ability to use the forward and back buttons on my mouse when I’m in Finder and want to go back to the previous folder I was in. Doesn’t work in Safari either. Works in good old dependable Firefox though.

And separate volume controls for each applications.

  • dontwakethetrees (she/her)
    11 year ago

    Another +1 for Rectangle.

    For me, a semi-recent convert from Windows, a fresh install of macOS includes:

    • Dropover, it has a limited free version (3 second wait time) or $5 for a one time ‘Pro’ version. It worked way better for me than Dropzone for copying files around and temporarily grabbing web images for Messages and Discord.

    • Top Notch, its free to use and cleanly hides the notch and just provides a clean black space for the menu bar.

    • SoundSource, yes its $40 and thats expensive af. However FOSS alternatives like Background Music kept crashing due to my external DAC. It’s a volume mixer, EQ tool, and audio IO selector.

    And finally if I need to run Windows tools or applications for some of my hobbies, I have Parallels on an external drive. That way Windows isn’t hogging space and is isolated when I don’t need it.