• @islandofcaucasus
      11 months ago

      Why are you ok with making it difficult for those in underserved areas to vote? A lot of people don’t have cars and don’t live near a voting center. A lot of those people can’t afford to take the day off to vote. I’m curious why you think they shouldn’t have an easy way to participate in our democracy

      • Alto
        11 months ago

        I think you know thee answer to that

        • @jeffw
          611 months ago

          Yes but I want the commenter to reply so that I have the satisfaction of clicking on another downvote

    • @wwaxwork
      2911 months ago

      Cool opinion, just explain to me how say a mother of 3 that can’t find or afford a sitter is supposed to vote? Or her husband who is working 2 jobs to pay rent is supposed to find time? How about the elderly that don’t have a car? The handicapped? What if I have a contagious disease? I should just turn on up to a busy polling booth and spread my TB all over the place? Or am immunocompromised and could die from a cold, probably spread by that sick person that had to turn up to vote? All those people lose their right to vote because they can’t get to a polling place on the one day they allow voting? You are removing their rights why?

      • Alto
        11 months ago

        Yeah but don’t you see, those people usually vote blues. We can’t have those people actually excersing their right, then the will of the people might actually happen

      • Flying Squid
        -911 months ago

        I agree with what you’re saying except the first one. Not only can the mother of three take her kids with her to vote, she should take her kids with her to vote. They should see that this is a basic American duty.

        • @[email protected]
          711 months ago

          Not when it can take an hour or more to vote in some places. In one county I used to live in, it was common to break a chair to sit on in order to vote, because you were going to be there a while. Even in my much better district with more sites, etc, it took me standing for 30mins in order to early vote during the last midterm. Absolutely not would I bring even a single child to that. Not in the cold and outside since elections happen in November.

          • Flying Squid
            -211 months ago

            Ok, the cold and outside things are a good point, I can’t argue with that.

        • @halferect
          11 months ago

          Some people wait hours to vote, and have to bring chairs and food and water to vote. I’ll let you guess what communities generally experience that. Think of having 3 kids in a line for 6 hours… Because that’s the reality. It’s not just walk up say hey I’m here to vote…ok I’m done. People have to make a entire day to vote and prepare. The republicans are making laws like you can’t give voters water or food or chairs when they have been standing for 6 plus hours. They are making it impossible for certain people to vote

      • @[email protected]
        -1511 months ago

        Your own personal failures to express your rights does not mean you don’t have those rights.

        • @wwaxwork
          111 months ago

          Yeah, but it does. I have the right to bodily autonomy, but watch me try and get an abortion in some states in the US and see what happens.

    • @WindyRebel
      11 months ago

      Why the fuck do you even care where they vote from?

      A vote is a vote. You must not want our armed services to vote. Guess how their votes get counted in many cases? Hint: not in person.

    • @TokenBoomer
      1511 months ago

      Glad you recognize the gravity of the situation.

    • MdRuckus
      1211 months ago

      Give me one good and verifiable reason why it is ever a good idea to restrict voting if the intent isn’t suppression.

      • @[email protected]
        -811 months ago

        Because it’s entirely impossible to verify who is the person filling out and sending in a piece of mail.

        • @halferect
          111 months ago

          Are you suggesting that people are running some scheme of running multiple households of people and requesting mail in ballots and then forging the info and voting for people without their knowledge? The united states elections has been one of the most scrutinized elections in the world and it’s been proven to be one of the most secure elections in the world and that’s with mail in ballots. Your fear of identification is null and void. Mail in ballots require more identification then walking in and voting in person.

    • Don Escobar
      911 months ago

      The one nice takeaway from this is that it’ll affect the old ass Fox News idiots far more than the younger generations voting these republicans out