Is there a faster and more efficient way to change equipment? Every time I need to do some mission I have to go to the ship, choose the frame, the weapons, the settings for each one and bla bla bla…

This method is horrible.

  • Dystopia
    12 years ago

    You could play a frame that does multiple rolls like Wisp so that you don’t need to change frames as often.

    For spy as long as you are in the air ( and not firing a weapon) you are invisible, your 2 can be used to bypass lasers and your 3 can blind enemies, although I rarely use that ability for spy. Do not use shock motes in spy, they alert enemies.

    Support/minor damage boost using haste and Health motes for most other missions. I’ll usually avoid using shock motes unless an objective is taking a lot of damage, Breach Surge is usually better.

    Replace her 4 with anything you want. She is mostly a Health tank that buffs mobility and “weapon handling”. A good general support frame and the only thing wisp doesn’t really do is nuke a room.