Is there a faster and more efficient way to change equipment? Every time I need to do some mission I have to go to the ship, choose the frame, the weapons, the settings for each one and bla bla bla…

This method is horrible.

  • @Emeraud
    52 years ago

    Try to use some loadouts. It remembers your configuration as you described.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    You can create pre-set Armament configurations in the Arsenal. Just click on this “banner” right above the tabs, then you can select the Armament in the navigation screen:

  • Tgnome
    22 years ago

    There are loadouts but I have too many combinations/can never settle on what to play with so I just got used to changing them every time. I recommend having a generic loadout you can switch back to so you don’t mess up your preferred combinations (I did that so often I gave up on loadouts).

  • Convict45
    22 years ago

    Early on before you can afford lots of loadout slots, you’ll probably be best off going with some “Job” load outs. So “Tank” “Stealth” “Fast” for example.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      The other advantage of using loadouts like this is that you can change them directly from the nav screen.

  • Dystopia
    12 years ago

    You could play a frame that does multiple rolls like Wisp so that you don’t need to change frames as often.

    For spy as long as you are in the air ( and not firing a weapon) you are invisible, your 2 can be used to bypass lasers and your 3 can blind enemies, although I rarely use that ability for spy. Do not use shock motes in spy, they alert enemies.

    Support/minor damage boost using haste and Health motes for most other missions. I’ll usually avoid using shock motes unless an objective is taking a lot of damage, Breach Surge is usually better.

    Replace her 4 with anything you want. She is mostly a Health tank that buffs mobility and “weapon handling”. A good general support frame and the only thing wisp doesn’t really do is nuke a room.