Includes Obduction, Myst, Riven, Uru and others

  • @drekly
    2 years ago

    Perhaps I’m using “ragequit” a little broadly.

    Sometimes I really enjoy a puzzle. I managed to solve the majority of the witness without help, but then looked online for some context clues that opened a whole extra stage of puzzles that I found enjoyable. I also loved opus magnum and it’s visual puzzles.

    On the other hand, Baba is you, and exapunks broke my brain. I tried so hard to try and understand both of them, I skipped levels and came back to the ones I struggled on, but I just had to admit: I’m too stupid sometimes. So I had to stop, and I’ve never been back to them.

    More of a dumbquit than a ragequit. But I’m still angry at myself today for not being smart enough for those games!

    • Flying Squid
      2 years ago

      Myst puzzles are really hard, or at least I thought they were, but they are solvable if you work at them. I’ve played much more difficult Infocom text games.