Homebrewery Link

Want to be DnD Indiana Jones? Follow your dreams! Whips are awesome and underutilized, so try out this feat to enjoy them in all their greatness!

Feedback always welcome.

  • JackbyDev
    111 months ago

    Why specify that the die change doesn’t stack? They never do.

    Also why 15 ft instead of 10 ft for the abilities?

    • @owenfromcanadaOPM
      211 months ago

      Thanks for the feedback–I specified the non-stacking die change mainly because the other sources specify it as well. I imagine there could be some misinterpretation of it, but in any case I didn’t see the harm.

      I put 15 feet instead of 10 feet for the Crack ability because I imagined that 10 feet wouldn’t see much use, but as I’ve considered it (based on another commenter) I’m already leaning toward pulling it back to the usual 10 feet.

      • JackbyDev
        11 months ago

        Yeah that’s a good point, also even if a whip is 10 ft I think you could affect someone with a crack of it a little further.

        I think you could make crack once per short rest and be a little more balanced. That’s what the Crusher/Piercer/Slasher feats do (off the top of my head, may be wrong).

        Edit: Those feats don’t do a per short rest thing, my bad. They have a once per turn ability and an on-crit ability.

        • @owenfromcanadaOPM
          111 months ago

          I’m considering it, but the once-per-short-rest thing doesn’t make as much sense flavor-wise. Maybe if the character adds something to the end that allows foe the distraction that has to be replaced during a short rest… I’ll have to see if I can get that concise enough to fit.

          • JackbyDev
            211 months ago

            Yeah, I get that. If you like the anti-caster idea then maybe something like foes having disadvantage to maintain concentration from attacks.

            Or like you said, something like the Lizardfolk’s racial ability might be a good template.,

            As part of a short rest, you can [use materials] to create [a thing]. To use this trait, you need [tools]

            So something like “as part of a rest you can use Bang Snaps to create an explosive tip for your whip.” (I wouldn’t say it needs any specific tools.)