Hey, apologies if this is a duplicate post - my search foo is pretty bad nowadays I think :< - but I wanted to ask how others clean PEI sheets?

I see a lot of rather conflicting information, in particular whether to use cleaning alcohol or not on it. I intuitively understand Acetone is a no-no, but what about just alcohol? Does that also damage/roughen the surface of the smooth side?

Should I use window cleaner on the smooth side?

Just dishwashing soap to be on the very safe side?

Or is there some specialized PEI cleaner?

  • ffhein
    22 years ago

    From what I’ve read, some people use Windex to intentionally reduce adhesion, primarily when printing PETG on glass to reduce the risk of it fusing with the bed. Never had to do it myself, but supposedly it leaves a film on the surface. Is this anything you’ve noticed?

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      It does totally leave residue so I wipe down with IPA, but it does a better job specifically with fingerprints than IPA (at least in my experience). Ultimately best cleaner has been dish soap and water, I have a spray bottle mixed up that I keep around for cleaning, just needs to be rinsed and dry which I found an IPA wipe down after the soapy water spray does a decent enough job. These are all things I do when I don’t want to take the entire sheet to a sink and do a scrub.

      • ffhein
        22 years ago

        Sounds good. I think a potential problem with IPA is that it dissolves the fat and then leaves it on the bed as it evaporates, so it’s not the ideal bed cleaner.