Because they’re (Unilever) still in Russia. One that has the moisturizing effect like Dove. Normal ones don’t work well with my skin.

*In Canada, but any major brands should be around.

    12 years ago

    You don’t get to become a company able to compete on a global scale without being unethical. Capitalism relies on exploitation.

    What I’m asking is it worth the effort to dig so deep to find negatives? I certainly don’t have the time to do so with every purchase I make. If I can’t afford Tim’s soap, does that make me immoral for having to buy problematic soap?

    I’d have to look into the things you’ve done that you aren’t proud of before I buy from your etsy.

    I agree, know better and do better. But if we need to question our soap purchases, what isn’t being made with questionable methods or intentions?

    • TheHalc
      2 years ago

      We all have to make decisions based on our own principles and with our own priorities, based on the information we have.

      If I knew Tim was a murderer, I might not want to support his business. Up until I knew that, I might have enjoyed his products.

      It’s not our responsiblity to be all-knowing, but once you do learn something it becomes part of your decision-making calculus.

      Then again, even if Tim’s a murderer, his soap might be really good.

        12 years ago

        Well if I, as an occasional customer, learn that Tim is murdering people, I doubt he’s still making soaps in his backyard.