Originally posted on r/AskReddit on April 23, 2022.

So, in your lives, do you encounter such folks, and what are their skills? How are they doing as of now?

  • @glau
    152 years ago

    Academics needs good discipline for the most part provided you have an okay head for it.

    Somebody with a very high intelligence can cruise by for a while, but they will hit a wall eventually where they need to sit down and do the boring, borderline useless or administrative stuff too. Lots of people have a hard time to find the motivation to do these parts and fail.

    • @Today
      42 years ago

      This. Never studied, just kind of coasted through school disengaged. Low tolerance for repetition. Now i find myself cycling between learning new things and then having no motivation to apply them.

    • @MaxVerstappen
      22 years ago

      Yep, straight A’s in all AP classes right up until college. Party life and not being prepared for the stuff you are talking about really derailed my progress.

      Ultimately I realized I can make good money in IT without a degree but it’s still much harder to get past the automatic screeners without a BA.

      It would be nice if other industries had certification programs like IT does. I took a couple classes not long ago and really enjoyed them but it’s so hard to manage work, school, and parenting nowadays.

      Stay in school kids!

      • @_cerpin_taxt_
        42 years ago

        I excelled in school until it came time to do homework. I couldn’t be bothered because it was a waste of time.

        I’m 15 years into my IT career with no degree and zero certifications, but make 6 figures.

        I was right - the homework was a complete waste of time. I haven’t needed a damn thing that school has taught me since about 6th grade. Basic math, reading, and good language skills (with a good chunk of luck) are all you need in life to succeed. School is great for some people, but absolutely a waste of some of the best years of your life for most.