Found a good image explanation of this whole thing.

Edit: update image to use light theme.

Credit goes to @[email protected]

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Hello, thank you for the post,

    This clears up a few things for me, because the concept of Fediverse are still “abstract” for me.

    When i first join, I created multiple accounts on, beehaw,, because i thinks its mini Reddit, with its own content, and its own account.

    Now i know that i only need one account, and i can still see the post from another instances.

    There’s still some questions that i can’t understand

    1. The decentralized nature of the Fediverse, how does one search or now what community on another instances?

    2. Say when in Reddit, we have /r/aww for example, it means that lemmy, beehaw, or another instances can have their own /c/aww ? does it means that we have multiple instances of /c/aww or, we have one single /c/aww but distributed between multiple instances

    Sorry for the bad English :D

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      You would have multiple and sub to each one separately, one will probably come out on top as the “main” one though

      Not to dissimilar from when there are multiple subredditts with practically the same name and use

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Ah, okay

        I think I’m not exposed with multiple sub reddits with similar names, although ive been using it for more than 10 years

        Thanks for the info :D