• genoxidedev1
    151 year ago

    Typical bothsideism in the comments of that site as per usual. Would love to see those bothsiders on an article stating the opposite of this one.

    • @aelwero
      -321 year ago

      I’m a massive bothsider, I tolerate (and don’t tolerate, depends really) either, both, neither, however you wanna say it…

      Why exactly would I argue the right hasn’t adopted the cancel culture playbook and cranked it to 11? That is a VERY “both sides” statement… This is arguably a “both sides” article, a “both sides” point.

      If anything, id point out that all the pissing and moaning is silly, because the shit the right is doing is coming straight out of the lefts playbook. The fact that they’re feeding you your own shit sandwich doesn’t equate to them not serving shit for lunch… It’s still shit…

      Moderate/centrist == the other team…

      • @dragonflyteaparty
        141 year ago

        The hell they are. Where are the “leftists” banning books? Banning speech? Maybe for racial slurs, but what are some other examples? Where are they making it illegal for people to get healthcare?


        What liberals are trying get rid of are people being assholes, being openly racist, disallowing a person’s actual right to choose something for themselves that affects no one else, disallowing children knowledge, restricting what teachers are allowed to teach.

        There is no both sides here. Period. End of story.

        • @aelwero
          11 year ago

          “maybe for racial slurs”

          Awfully fine line you didn’t cross there.

      • @SocialMediaRefugee
        -71 year ago

        Go comment on a subreddit not approved by a liberal subreddit and see how fast you get bot banned by them. The left is just as keen to censure and shutdown free speech and thought.

        • @dragonflyteaparty
          71 year ago

          No. Full stop. What they are keen on is stopping hate speech.