Just curious if there’s any Malaysians using Lemmy here! I looked at Malaysia communities in Lemmy but they seem to be deserted.

  • @mafbarOP
    210 months ago

    Memang pakai browser saja atau ada pakai desktop/mobile clients?

    Tulah saya perasan juga, community sini berbeza sikit. Pace of new uploads pun lain juga, lebih slow (naturally).

    Toki Pona tu apa benda ya? Haha maaf saya tak tahu

    • soweli Jemi
      210 months ago

      So far using Mlem, Memmy, Voyager, tried all of them before App Store release. Desktop jarang, usually on the move tak dapat duduk layan lol.

      Aah kan, tapi cun jugak lah. Chill vibes.

      Toki Pona is a bahasa ciptaan yang guna 120+ words je. Ade rasa macam BM skit, tapi lagi minimalist vokab dia.

      • @mafbarOP
        110 months ago

        Oo faham2, saya pun baru tau apps tu. Nanti saya try :D


        Oo so dia constructed language macam Esperanto? Tapi dia sort of mini language? Ini sebab saya just skim through google search je. Kenapa minat Toki Pona tu?