• @Crashumbc
    131 year ago

    But a Karma system doesn’t impact your ability to post? Or 99% of other poster’s opinions of you…

    (Disclaimer: Don’t care either way, never considered someone’s “karma” at all, ever.)

    • @synima
      31 year ago

      If you have less than x amount of karma on a good portion of subReddits you can’t post at all.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        That is usually to avoid bots. Any normal person can easily get a couple hundred karma by just posting a bit or commenting a few times, but any bot doing the same is gonna undergo scrutiny.

        • @UFO64
          01 year ago

          Bots just repost comments that were popular in the past and get huge amounts of karma, then delete said post before anyone catches on and starts and downvote wave.

          That system is gamable and solved.

      • @Piers
        11 year ago

        True. But then you got 1 karma for every comment you made anywhere on the site and often the requirement was like 50 karma.

        Restricting posts to users who have managed to make a maximum of 50 comments that didn’t overwhelmingly piss everyone off isn’t actually very restrictive.

        I really don’t buy into any of this “oh, you had to only say what people wanted you to say!” handwringing. I never once saw a user with negative karma who wasn’t just there to actively cause trouble. I’m quite certain this notion that you had to subscribe to some sort of groupthink to make it through the karma system originates from a very tiny number of people who perceive not being actively anti-social in a social space as oppressive persecution of their “totally valid” “alternative opinions”. By all means, show me accounts that were actually participating in good faith that were pushed out of the conversation by the karma system and I’ll loudly complain with you on their behalf.

        But you can’t do that. Because they’re always some flavour of racist nazi troll dickhead.

        I said whatever the hell I wanted and was frequently confrontational or contrarian and still had some embarrassingly high amount of karma simply because I participated a lot and wasn’t actively there to fuck things up by intentionally being a toxic edge-lord troll.

    • @ram
      21 year ago

      Yes it does. Some filtering is done by reddit and some by the mods. Also your votes don’t count if you don’t have certain amount of karma accumulated on the sub you are voting.

    • Hello Hotel
      11 year ago

      People are saying it does, “automod”

    • Hello Hotel
      1 year ago

      It impacts what you post as people game the system or even just refrain from opening a new dialouge or saying somthing controvertial.

      That number needs to be sold to you with hype, reddit did that because it drove traffic and addicted people. People putting a short 2 word answer just to farm karma, relizing it or not.

      Trolls love and others don relize how reddit hilighting the golden number makes people have a varry weak mind. to me, you and others, its a mild static electric shock. To the artifitially grown man babies, its an electricution