Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) – A Review
rpgbot.netKobold Press’s Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 edition) is packed with over 400 monsters ranging from the adorable “Burrowling”, a small humanoid resembling a meerkat that will likely die from loneliness if separated from its folk, to the horrifying “Myling”, a spirit that attaches to a creature and saps their strength before dragging them into the earth as a final burial. Each monster stat block has accompanying art as well as a lore and an ecology guide. The appendices contain tables to allow quick searches for monsters based on CR, terrain, and creature type. Many readers may own the 2016 [...]
Ooo, some nice monster options here! Things like the Kobold Chieftan remind me of things I’ve been hearing about in MCDM’s upcoming Flee Mortals! I checked out the preview at https://mcdm.gg/FleeMortalsPreview and it looks like a lot of fun.