Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one::undefined

  • @bcrab
    31 year ago

    They will settle for increased regulation, knowing their army of lawyers will be able to manage it all while the little guy will get snowed under.

    So we’ll see even more small businesses fail while Amazon will continue to grow because the gov’t was lobbied into killing the competition.

    • @SCB
      01 year ago

      How exactly does helping small businesses access a worldwide market they otherwise would never get access to cause small businesses to “fail?”

      • @bcrab
        21 year ago

        This wouldn’t be about small businesses accessing Amazon’s market - although the original point was that Amazon is becoming a monopoly and is taking advantage of that position with ridiculously high fees and commissions. This will be new regulations created and forced on every business (or ones that grow to a certain size).

        Amazon will say, “don’t break the company up, we welcome increased regulations to keep us honest” acting like that is a good compromise that solves the problem.

        The intent of the regs will be to stop Amazon from gaining an even bigger monopoly, but the affect will actually be smaller businesses will not be able to manage the increased red tape and change of laws (whereas Amazon has an army of lawyers to find loopholes, and waste time in the courts and not change a thing).

        This will stop small business growth and eliminate Amazon’s competition, further cementing the monopoly.

        • @SCB
          11 year ago

          Yeah I’m all about regs, but the idea Amazon somehow stifles small business is shaky at best