• @EndlessApollo
    02 years ago

    “They won’t even let me spew blatantly bigoted talking points on their forums, how toxic of them!”

    • SapienSRC
      22 years ago

      Sort of just seems like math too me. If a basket has apples and oranges in it, but far more are apples then oranges, it’s safe to assume you’ll see more apples when you look in the basket. Doesn’t mean the oranges aren’t just a good as the apples, there’s just more apples.

    • @[email protected]
      02 years ago

      it is not blatantly bigoted. It’s just a fact that applies to all minorities.

      I see more people in wheelchairs in my day to day life than I do lgbtiq people, albeit still only a few. Both exist. both are a minority and both are not that way by choice. I don’t hear wheelchair bound people complaining that there should be a lot more wheelchair bound tv and movie characters. It’s not like there aren’t any (professor X, for example), but there aren’t much, just like real life.