I ran a meeting today and it didn’t go as well as I had hoped. My video was delayed from what I was saying, was just overall more nervous than I had hoped to be which than caused me to rush (which didn’t help at all with the video delay).

I know logically I should just take this as a learning situation and do better next time. But I can’t stop thinking about it. I know I’m going to go to bed tonight and think about all the things I could’ve done better and not get any sleep.

How do people “change the channel” in their heads?

  • 108beadsM
    41 year ago

    Before you go to bed, write. Get out what you think you’ve done “wrong,” how you might catch and correct issues before they feel big and overwhelming, or how it makes you feel that you’re unsatisfied.

    This will help you get the clutter out of your head as you organize your thoughts into language, and help you keep from having it play on an endless loop as you try to sleep.

    If you’re amenable, ask your dreams to offer you new perspectives, solutions, or even just a cathartic replay of what happened or didn’t.

    Next morning, or even a few days later, revisit what you wrote, and do more journaling on the issues and feelings.