Tesla is a giant shell-game masquerading as a car company. The important thing about Tesla isn’t its cars, it’s Tesla’s business arrangement, the Tesla-Financial Complex:

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    According to the article they had to derate their ranges by 3-5% or so. Cory is talking about the range being less than half of the estimated one. I think we would’ve seen thousands of stranded Teslas around here if that were really the case. So I remain doubtful.

    FWIW I suspect most of these “omg why is my range suddenly gone!” complaints with Tesla to be exactly the same as with all other EVs: Very low temperatures, or towing. You’ll find plenty of people complaining about every model and make of EV because consumers expected to have the advertised range even though they’re towing a trailer or are driving through a freezing mountain pass. Unfortunately EVs just don’t handle this very well.

    • @Blamemeta
      21 year ago

      Yeah, Doctorow is a good writer, but sometimes he thinks he understands stuff but he doesn’t really.