Porn sites must have government health warning in Texas from September 1st::Just when we didn’t think the state of Texas could get any more wacko on tech policy, this latest bill really suggests otherwise. House Bill 1181 is an age verification measure that is similar to what we’ve seen in the state legislatures across other red U.S. states. You have an age verification proposal that is similar…

  • @RojoSanIchiban
    521 year ago

    I remember being VERY pissed about Obamacare requiring an individual having insurance by paying a for-profit company, else pay a penalty, because of the pro-corp “nanny state” implications, much like I despise legally-required auto insurance (without a government-funded baseline).

    Yet here we are with “muh indivdulizm” republicans making the overreach far worse than Democrats ever would have.

    • @[email protected]
      541 year ago

      Obamacare was invented by a Republican. It was done as a compromise because most Democrat legislators are right wing and don’t want to see public healthcare enacted in the US.

      • @ElegantBiscuit
        271 year ago

        This. In retrospect it’s kind of amazing it even got passed, and that is the best we can do with democrats controlling 60% of the house and 58 senate seats. And unless republicans are somehow tricked into voting for national popular vote legislation and federally enforced fair districting, or we wait 25 years for all the boomers to die out and hope that millennials still want UHC, AND we also repeal citizens united, the ACA is probably the best we are going to get for some time.

      • @SCB
        -131 year ago

        What an insane, ahistorical take lol

        • @visak
          161 year ago

          It’s basically true. The ACA drew a lot of support being compared to Massachusetts’ healthcare when Romney was governor. The individual mandate, which was the necessary compromise to get it passed, was first proposed by The Heritage Foundation.

          • @Techmaster
            21 year ago

            You ever notice how the republicans can’t shut up about how much they hate Obamacare, but whenever they have enough seats to end it, they don’t? It’s because they secretly like it (because it’s their plan) but they just don’t want to give Obama or the other Democrats credit for passing it.

          • @SCB
            -101 year ago

            “basically true” that “all Dems wanted this instead of SP” because "all Dems are right wing??

            No that is not “basically true” lmao

            • @[email protected]
              121 year ago

              Why you put “all Dems are right wing” in quotes when what I said is that most are. Which is true. American politics are very far right of centre economically by the rest of the world’s standards.

              • @SCB
                1 year ago

                You can’t backpedal from a lie by lying more lol

                • @RedAggroBest
                  81 year ago

                  Except you’re wrong? Most democrats are economically very right. Its why they’re liberals and not leftists. The vast majority of US politics is right wing with the only difference being how much they hate minority groups.

                  US politics has people fucked up thinking reasonable policy is left.

                  • @Eldritch
                    31 year ago

                    Well they have us thinking politics is 1 dimensional. And have replaced the actual concept of left and right. The actual underpinning and economic organization. With the social axis. And just discard the notion that any economic model other than capitalism can exist. Acknowledging other systems brings up too many questions they can’t adequately answer. It’s so much easier to have us fight over whether we plebs deserve any rights.

            • @visak
              101 year ago

              Yes, most Democrats are right wing. They take money from medical, insurance, and banks who would very much like to prevent single payer. So instead we got ACA modeled on a Republican plan with a cop out mandate from a Republican think tank. (And the Republicans still lost their frickin minds). Yes, I vote Democratic but I have no illusions that they’re left of center 'cept maybe Bernie.

        • @[email protected]
          141 year ago

          Romneycare was what the basic concept of the ACA was called before it was called Obamacare. There are very few American politicians on either side of the aisle who favour single-payer healthcare.

          After Obama campaigned on healthcare as a key issue, he ended up using a Republican healthcare reform as the framework for his federal reform in order to get the corporate crony faction of the Democrat party on side. The Republicans, in a classic example of American politics being literally the dumbest thing ever, decided that they couldn’t be seen as agreeing with a Democrat (particularly a black one), even if it was their own idea, so they moved the Overton Window even further right and began claiming that even ACA was a bridge too far.

          • @SCB
            1 year ago

            Obama’s first proposal was for a single-payer system. That proposal lost by effectively 1 vote.

            You don’t need to link me anything, because I was a grown adult in 08.

            “Obamacare” for instance, was coined when Obama won, because right-wing talk channels had been expecting Hillary Clinton to win the Primary and had already coined “HillaryCare” from her own single-payer proposal shed had since the 90s.

            Fuckin weird that leftists try to distort recent history as if people weren’t fucking alive in 2008 and can correct them.

              • @SCB
                -11 year ago

                It’s not an insult - right-wing people don’t do that. They make up different wholesale bullshit

            • @Techmaster
              01 year ago

              Obama’s first proposal was for a single-payer system. That proposal lost by effectively 1 vote.

              Have you not noticed that this happens every time? They always manage to find that one vote to prevent anything truly progressive from happening. If we need 60 votes to make something change for the better in this country, there will be 59 yay votes, with 2 people voting “present.”

              • @SCB
                01 year ago

                They dont “find the vote” to do that lol. That’s exactly backwards. Democrats are a loose coalition of “not Republican” and some regions of the country elect nominal democrats that are not on board with every party intention

                You have Bernie Sanders one example, and Joe Manchin as another, to give a recent opposition.

        • @Eldritch
          61 year ago

          I’m afraid yours is the a historical one. Democrats shelved things like the public option. Never putting them on the table convinced that they could win over Republicans support. They didn’t even have the support in their own party for that. And never through the whole process ever won a single Republican over.

          It is a simple fact that Democrats are economically right-wing. So I’m afraid you’re the one that’s in the wrong. They are at least loosely pro-social democracy. But they are solidly capitalist through and through.

    • @Imotali
      41 year ago

      This. I was too young for Obamacare to be something I knew a single thing about but as a car owner and leftist auto insurance has always rubbed me wrong.

      It’s just another means to keep people from being hireable by denying them jobs due to shitty public transit and the inability to legally drive their cars.

      • @Buddahriffic
        111 year ago

        The parts of auto insurance meant to help you are optional. It’s only the part that will help others in the event you cause damage or injury to them that is mandatory, which people who can’t afford to drive because of insurance certainly wouldn’t be able to afford.

        Now change it to a system where there aren’t executives and shareholders looking to extract a lot of money from that necessity and I’m all for it. But I’m vehemently against just removing the requirement entirely.

        IMO if you can afford it, it’s dumb to opt out of the optional ones, too, even with the profit going to the insurance execs and owners. Unless you have enough savings to easily replace your vehicle in the event you crash it or a tree falls on it that isn’t covered by someone’s homeowner’s insurance.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Lol. So, you’ve never gotten into an accident with an uninsured driver then? Because you wouldn’t be saying that if you had.

        • @Imotali
          -21 year ago

          I have gotten into an accident with an uninsured driver. Twice. Both their fault (running reds out near Mulholland).

      • @SCB
        21 year ago

        No it’s a safeguard against someone destroying your fucking car and not having the means to pay for it.

        • @Imotali
          -21 year ago

          If they can barely afford the insurance and hit you their insurance isn’t paying.

          I’ve been hit by red light runners thrice and while biking in a parking lot (ironically got more injured here) and only two times the drivers didn’t have insurance… not a single one paid out.

          Insurance is a scam and defending it is akin to defending a Ponzi scheme imo.

      • @slumberlust
        21 year ago

        Are you suggesting state run insurance or no requirement for insurance?

        • @Imotali
          -31 year ago

          I think there should be no requirement or a govt funded baseline