• Lightor
    1 year ago

    No counter examples are not rare. Go to a trailer park or the inner city. I’ve lived in both and there are plenty of parents who don’t give a fuck. You sound like you’re coming from a place of massive privilege to think that.

    Me thinking people are abusing their children because they demonize gender identity is naive, when it causes an increase in suicide in areas that suppress it? You need to do more research, again, what a narrow, privileged mindset.

    Lol, I love how massively skewed point B is. There’s no middle ground or nuance, we have to give sex changes to children. Jesus man.

    And point C is literally telling him his feelings aren’t valid and he’s wrong. You’re telling him to repress who he is, which is why LGBT suicide rates are way higher in religious areas.

    You said A never happens. You are dead wrong. I’ve seen it happen. Do any research on how religious people areas treat this. I know people from both the Mormon faith and Jehovas witnesses that have been fully shunned by their families for being gay or trans. It’s literally part of their doctrine. So you saying it never happens is beyond ignorant. You’re speaking about things you clearly know very little about, you come across as living in a boomer white suburba where everyone thinks the same and there is no diversity.

    Also, you end it all by calling his gender identity a delusion. Going back to the fact that you think being trans is a sickness. Just like people thought being gay was a sickness. It’s an ignorant take, like most of your comment. I don’t mean that as an insult or to be mean, it literally is ignorant, it’s coming from a place of little knowledge on the subject.

    Educate yourself, please. Here is one example from this year, you can Google hundreds.
