I can hear this post in their voices. Maybe I’ve seen the movie too many times…nah

  • @Carnelian
    21 year ago

    Are you sure it’s impossible? and worse yet - can you prove it?

    This is known as an argument from ignorance. I’m not sure how familiar you are with this terminology, so to be clear, I am not insulting you or calling you ignorant. But in summary, something is not true until proven otherwise.

    The conditions inside the warehouse are not similar to the conditions of the early universe or the primordial soup. You need to demonstrate a mechanism for stable, non-reactive plastic to become sentient if you assert that it’s indeed possible.

    • funkless
      11 year ago

      for one - it’s an infinite warehouse, so the parts of it that are near stars, black holes, planets, moons and comets are destroyed, sucked in etc, creating several stable “rare-Earth” conditions at the Goldilocks distance from heat sources, and using the debris from collision follows the same basic principle of how life on Earth started, but with melted plastic from the burned cds instead of in water. Life - uh - finds a way.

      • @Carnelian
        11 year ago

        The warehouse is more similar to SCP-3008, for property tax reasons