• @MiddleWeigh
    61 year ago

    From my limited understanding, Marxism comes off as more of a lense to analyze politics and human behavior than an actual system. It also comes off as not very fascist, but fascist seeming things can come out of it, depending on your perspective. I will admit I’m not very educated in regards to political science, and I’ve just begun my foray into Marxist theory.

    • @bob_wiley
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @MiddleWeigh
        11 year ago

        I can’t disagree with that. I think the sort of utopia that communism suggests is a natural progression back to our roots as a species, and will happen, but only after we’ve pushed for it AND survived through an inevitable apocalypse, because we done royally fucked up tbh. For right now? Well I’m just a blue collar American with no degree. I don’t know. I think socialist structure needs to be implemented for sure though, just to stop the people whove captured the wealth from royally screwing all of us over. I am not educated, or indoctrinated enough to actually debate you beyond that. In fact, I kind of just avoid people, so I’m probably not the best leftist to debate you at all.

        • @bob_wiley
          11 months ago

          deleted by creator

      • @chuckleslord
        01 year ago

        Yeah, but recall that any communist system attempted was being trampled by the capitalist countries (still is). Marxist-Leninism calls for “leaders” to guide the masses, which is definitely a straight path to another two-class system(see, USSR). Communism calls for a democratic system, which isn’t really compatible with ML (in my understanding)