A lot of the wabbajack lists are pretty beefy but I just have a mid-range rig.
My specs are as follows:
- GPU - 2070 Super
- CPU - Ryzen 5 3600
- RAM - 32GB
I should also add that I play at 1440p, if you know of a cool list I should try, please let me know!
Well Do Not Go Gentle is a pretty good looking Rqeuiem list. Licentia Black is an LoTD list with adult mods, but they are quite optional - you can play the list without any adult stuff too.
This YT channel does showcases of variois lists, your best bet is to browse through there. I’d suggest making a shortlist and then checking out the relevant discord to see how stable the list is, because Droppedicecream doesn’t usually cover it - a lot od lists can be janky AF
Thank you so much for that channel! This is exactly what I needed.