A lot of the wabbajack lists are pretty beefy but I just have a mid-range rig.

My specs are as follows:

  • GPU - 2070 Super
  • CPU - Ryzen 5 3600
  • RAM - 32GB

I should also add that I play at 1440p, if you know of a cool list I should try, please let me know!

  • @postgeographix
    72 years ago

    What are you looking for? Requiem and difficulty? New quests? Adult mods? Visual upgrades only?

    My personal approach is to take a vusuals only modlist and then add my preferred ganeplay / content mods. Can recommend both Aurora and AVO NG for thia purpose

    • @RickOPM
      12 years ago

      I am really down for anything, I love everything modded skyrim lol. I love Requiem, I love LOTD, I love immersive and survival mods, but at the same time I dont care for unfocused lists, I like a lists to feel concise and like every mod has a reason to be there. For example, IMO Wildlander was the best Requiem list, it felt so concise and every mod felt like it was adding to the experience. The only other list I tried was Living Skyrim and I felt like it was trying to do WAY to much but I did appreciate how well… alive it felt lol.

      • @postgeographix
        42 years ago

        Well Do Not Go Gentle is a pretty good looking Rqeuiem list. Licentia Black is an LoTD list with adult mods, but they are quite optional - you can play the list without any adult stuff too.

        This YT channel does showcases of variois lists, your best bet is to browse through there. I’d suggest making a shortlist and then checking out the relevant discord to see how stable the list is, because Droppedicecream doesn’t usually cover it - a lot od lists can be janky AF

        • @RickOPM
          22 years ago

          Thank you so much for that channel! This is exactly what I needed.