Yeah, sorry about the run-on sentence title, but I hope you get what I’m saying

    • Dick Justice
      12 years ago

      Where do you copy and paste it to though? If i copy, for example, the first one listed, Announcements, then go back to and paste it into the community search, it comes up as [email protected], and the searrch comes up blank. If I manually type just “announcements” and search, I get results, but that’s what I’m already doing.

      • 🇺🇦 seirim
        42 years ago

        You copy any community address such that it looks like this, a community at our instance for example:

        [email protected]

        And return to being back on your own instance ( it seems) and are logged in.

        In your main menu there is a small search icon, tap that and enter the address like above and hit search. It can take some time to appear these days, but eventually the community link will show up, maybe at the bottom under posts that included it.

        This hit sidebar, and then can find join and comment