With the release of Baldur’s Gate 3, many gamers are wondering if they need to play the first two games before diving into the third. Here’s a breakdown of the plot of the previous 2 games.

    • ThrowawayOnLemmy
      1 year ago

      Thanks. Just picked up 1 & 2, and playing the first starting tonight. Do you think I can get through the whole story of both in 4 days?

      • @SCB
        1 year ago

        Maybe. If you know them inside and out, and are willing to no-life it, I’d say probably yes. 1 can be Speedrun pretty quickly and if you know what you’re doing, 2 can be really optimized, though the critical path is pretty long itself.

        ToB can be trivialized if you do the right stuff in BG1/2, so BG2 is going to be the sticking point.

        Id be tempted to do this if I’d heard this idea a week ago. Act 1 of BG3 drops tomorrow tho so idk

        • @bouh
          21 year ago

          Now that’s a funny proposition: to speed run the game in order to get the story before the 3 comes? :D

          • @SCB
            41 year ago

            BG 2 is my favorite game of all time. I have most of it memorized by this point. Very long game tho.

            To say I’m excited for BG 3 is a massive understatement.

        • HairyblueOP
          11 year ago

          The PC isn’t getting the 3 days early access. We are just getting it a month early. The PS5 can get 3 days early if they buy the digital deluxe edition.

          • @SCB
            21 year ago

            Yeah I found out late last night. Broke my heart a little