I’m tried of how terrible Gmail is. Id like an email client with folders or categories. If it can sort them automatically (like how Googles now defunct inbox app used to) that would be even better.

Edit: in a couple days or whenever the activity on this post slows down. I will update this post with a list of the most recommended email app.


Results are in: Number is the amount of people who specifically mentioned it.

  1. FairMail 6
  2. K-9 5
  3. Spark 2
  4. ProtonMail
  5. Re:work
  6. Nine
  7. Tutanota
  8. Canary Mail
  9. Aqua
  • pjhenry1216
    21 year ago

    Self-hosted mail has some pains associated with it in regards to reliability due to major email services rating SMTP servers and tending to not trust personal ones. If moving away from privacy-violating services is your main goal and are open to non-self-hosted alternatives, I’d suggest Proton Mail. They even have a free tier if you want to test the waters. They do have pretty easy migration tools to move away from Gmail as well.

    • hoodatninja
      11 year ago

      A thread on HN really poopoo’d proton mail (but not the VPN which I love) and recommended Fastmail over it. I can’t recall why so I’ll try to dig it up, but just throwing that out there since it might be good to check in on any major cons with it. It wasn’t scandals or “they aren’t private” or something but it felt significant when I read it.

      • pjhenry1216
        11 year ago

        It’s possible that it’s the lack of direct compatibility with other clients. Since it’s fully encrypted beyond even just OpenPGP capabilities, some are turned off that you can’t easily use other clients. Without a lot of effort you are required to use their mobile app or the website. And on desktop, you need to setup their Bridge to be able to use third party clients.

        • hoodatninja
          11 year ago

          You clearly understand this stuff better than I do, but some of that seems somewhat familiar

    • @AnUnusualRelic
      11 year ago

      Self hosting email leads to depression and alcoholism. I don’t recommend it.