I would like to filter out all the porn posts without blocking all of NSFW posts. I like porn as much as the next guy, but every other post I see is porn. I’ve been blocking the individual communities, but that doesn’t stop anything. Is there specific keywords to use or is it just all NSFW or no NSFW?

  • Schwim Dandy
    21 year ago

    You’ll find that your NSFW troubles can be basically made moot by blocking two instances catering to the critically horny. Although lemmy doesn’t nativity allow us to block porn explicitly, there’s a workaround.

    On the phone, I use connect to block the two problem instances. In the web browser, I use this user script to block them: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469297-block-lemmy-instances/code

    • @Cheese
      11 year ago

      Does not seem to work with old.lemmy, dang.

    • Quinten
      11 year ago

      There is also a solution for mobile on iOS. You can filter out instances on Memmy.

      Of course this has no effect on browsing on the site though.

      Don’t know if any Android apps have this function.