I was just browsing a thread on c/nfl looking for new mods. There were multiple 12+ year Redditors there offering to help.

Got me wondering. There are 14,000 of us in this community. How many of us are ten year plus users who have just had enough?

Edit: I didn’t expect this post to be as poignant as it became. There are so many of you… I can’t reply to everyone. I’m an 11 year user and have modded something like 150 subs over the years. I’m really sad too, but I’m finding that lemmy has most of the content I’m looking for, just needs more comments.

The API was a big blow, but removing awards on past posts and deleting coin balances is really dumb.

  • @Pregnenolone
    1 year ago

    11.5 year old account (same username). Reddit has been shit for years but there was never a real alternative. I tried so hard to make it good: I unsubbed from all of the defaults, curated my feed, used Apollo to block r/all, even blocked a bunch of keywords and chronic resposters. But it was no use, the quality of commentary was on a steady decline (UnDeRrAtEd CoMmEnT), and the arrogance of the average Redditor is staggering given how unoriginal and lazy they actually are (I’m not excluding myself from that comment). Frankly the ban on third party apps was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, but really it was a forgone conclusion that I left. Maybe it’s just because I’ve gotten older. I’ve checked it a few times since “leaving” - it’s still shit, and going back makes me realise how bad it actually was.

    I refuse to delete my account because I’d rather they (and anyone else) see that my account was purposely abandoned because of their actions.

    Lemmy is doing much better, but honestly it’s probably because it’s empty. It will likely go the same way in years to come, which I welcome because this place deserves the success. I’ll enjoy it while I like it… Ironically I tried to post this comment but got wiped by a long outage.

    • @Delphia
      11 year ago

      I think after 11 years I finally realised that I was just fed up with internet strangers. I have a few wheelhouses that I’m well informed in but every time I tried to help someone gain a deeper understanding of an issue Id get argued with or worse.

      Trying to have a reasonable conversation about how to get the best deal on something only to get brigaded by people who want the world to be a socialist utopia derailing the conversation. Like yeah I agree but capitalism is the system we have and you either work the system or the system works you.

      By the time they switched off RIF I was only there for the memes.

    • @JTode
      11 year ago

      They kept all my posts when I deleted mine, your protest will register more strongly if you delete it; at the moment they see you as inevitably coming back. And even more strongly if you get that thing that goes in and scrambles all your posts before you do.

      • @Pregnenolone
        21 year ago

        I did delete all of my posts, and left a post on my profile saying why I’ve abandoned the account. It’s as good as worthless to them now.