• @GrimChaos
    11 year ago

    You said a lot of stuff with no evidence provided. And again, you can’t just scream “NAZI” with no proof.

    In fact, I declare that russians are Nazis!!! They do seem to act a lot like Nazis

    “The invitation to come and protect them from Nazis by an autonomous republic isn’t enough justification for you? The illegal coup? The illegal Nazi coup funded by the US that then killed protesters with snipers and started a civil war? The US went on to pillage the economy, bribe officials to give their kids crooked jobs (Biden for example).”

    Ukraine is sovereign country and fully recognized by Russia in the Budapest Memorandum.

    So, if the Freedom of Russia Legion goes into Belgorod and holds a vote… Then they can legally invite Ukraine in? And Russia will just lay down their arms?

    Let’s ask the Chechens how their independence movement is going… I’m sure the Russians fully supports that

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I’ll provide you with all the evidence you like. Just so I’m clear, what is it about the Ukronazis you deny exactly? Their existence or what?

      In fact, I declare that russians are Nazis!!! They do seem to act a lot like Nazis

      That’s just what you’re hearing in the news. It’s full of propaganda targeted at you.

      Ukraine is sovereign country and fully recognized by Russia in the Budapest Memorandum.

      Ukraine was not a sovereign country after the USA couped it. They ousted the democratically elected leader and then ignored the democratic vote that refused to accept the puppet the replaced him with. You can read about that here in this very well sourced write up, there are many like it. The part about the US ignoring the vote and forcing their puppet in is in part 2.

      So, if the Freedom of Russia Legion goes into Belgorod and holds a vote… Then they can legally invite Ukraine in? And Russia will just lay down their arms?

      No I’m sure Russia wouldn’t accept that, same as Ukraine not accepting Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk’s choices. But if that happened and Russia had been ethnically cleansing Belgorod by banning languages and religions and shelling civilians, then I’d be siding with Ukraine on the matter.

      Let’s ask the Chechens how their independence movement is going… I’m sure the Russians fully supports that

      Look, I’m a communist. I don’t like Russia. But I understand its motivations and they’re not what we’re being brainwashed with in the western media here. It could stage 20 more Ukraines and still not be as evil as the west and the USA in particular.

      • @GrimChaos
        11 year ago

        I am very left wing and still am to this day, I would say I’m a democratic socialist.

        Growing up I never understood the hate for Russia (after the USSR) but then Russia started invading places similar to Hitler’s appeasement method, seemly trying to restore the USSR.

        Everyone I ever met that lived under Soviet rule has extreme hatred for Soviet union and Russian. And tend to be right wing… Which I never understood why. I feel like you made me understand them a bit more (I still think they are a bit crazy).

        Thank you for helping you relate to thoses I see as crazy a bit better.

        I am no longer replying.

        I wish you the best and well wishes.