I know this is typical for the US so this is more for US people to respond to. I wouldn’t say that it is the best system for work, just wondering about the disconnect.

  • @z00s
    2 years ago

    “My wife’s a primary school teacher so I know enough to solve education issues”

    • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
      -12 years ago

      Here is a functional solution you want to ignore because you look down on primary school teachers

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        “Functional” does not equal “practical”, nor does it even remotely equate to “looking down on primary school teachers”

        Let’s go ahead and ignore every other “functional solution” because it’s too (insert excuse) to work.

        What we’re currently doing in the US works so well, it’s why we lead the world in education… I think. Idk, I never learned any nuance besides standardized tests. But I’m ok, teachers and kids are just lazy

        • @n0m4n
          12 years ago

          You might want to look up the educational standards for lower grades to HS.

          It is better at the college level, though.

      • @z00s
        02 years ago

        No its because I am a teacher and you have no idea what you’re talking about

          • @z00s
            12 years ago

            I’m in a different country, dipshit. And I’m not a slave to my phone, like you.

            One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since teaching is that the less someone knows about education, the more certain they are that they’re the only one smart enough to fix it.

            https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mount stupid xkcd&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http://theengineeringmanager.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/20111228.gif

            “B-b-but my wife/mother/husband is a teacher and they agree!!!”

            No. They just want you to shut the fuck up.

            “I went to school! I know how it works!”

            You were born. That doesn’t mean you know how to give birth.

            • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
              12 years ago

              You were born. That doesn’t mean you know how to give birth.

              Uh, have you met any animals? Childbirth is pretty instinctual. Where are you on that mount stupid? I suggested an option, I didn’t anywhere say it was the only one. The fact that I haven’t sat through a credential program doesn’t mean I’m summarily dismissed from the conversation. I’d wager your entire annual salary that my degrees are better than yours.

              • @z00s
                12 years ago

                The more you talk, the stupider you sound. Quit while you’re behind.

                • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
                  12 years ago

                  All the money in my teachers pay teachers account says I’m ahead, but sure.

              • @z00s
                2 years ago

                The fact that you don’t have the relevent degrees, experience or knowledge means you are summarily dismissed from the conversation. You obviously have nothing of value to contribute, yet you insist that you should be listened to. That makes you either an idiot, or a troll. Or both.

                • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
                  2 years ago

                  Oh, I do have the relevant experience. I’m just getting you to admit you disdain your loved ones. It’s really quite fun.

                  Edit: wait, faulty assumption. You’re one of those people who doesn’t have loved ones, aren’t ya

                  • @z00s
                    12 years ago

                    What in the actual fuck are you evem trying to say? You’re not even making sense.