I’m tried of how terrible Gmail is. Id like an email client with folders or categories. If it can sort them automatically (like how Googles now defunct inbox app used to) that would be even better.

Edit: in a couple days or whenever the activity on this post slows down. I will update this post with a list of the most recommended email app.

  • LCP
    2 years ago

    I was using Spark for the past few years because it was the closest thing I could find to Inbox that supported non-Gmail emails. A few months ago they put out a major update (v3) that completely borked it for me. It constantly crashes on both iPadOS and Android, so I’ve moved onto K-9 Mail and am waiting for Thunderbird to come out on iPadOS.

    I didn’t use K-9 for the longest time because I had a poor experience with it the first time I tried it many, many years ago. Between then and now it looks like they refreshed to Material Design and have significantly improved the UX. I’m happy with it.