After some research I’ve narrowed down my options into these two controllers.


  • Mostly PC gaming (It Takes Two, PS2 Emulation, etc.), Android Gaming (probably Emulation as well).
  • Also my little brother has a Switch and it would be awesome to have another controller for that as well.

Why these two?

  • They are available locally (Philippines) and within the budget.
  • Both have Hall Effect Joysticks
  • Both have good reviews and hopefully have good build quality

Why am I leaning towards 8bitdo Ultimate?

  • Mostly because I think they are the same but 8bitdo has the back buttons.

Give me Reasons Why I Should Get the Gulikit KingKong 2 over the 8bitdo Ultimate

  • Mindlight
    12 years ago

    Just being curious and not trying to persuade you in any way. But why not Microsoft Xbox One Wireless Controller? It has Bluetooth and all PC games I’ve played works flawlessly.