You spelled “corporate market manipulation” wrong.
You spelled “corporate market manipulation” wrong.
As long as 99.9999999% of Android users use Google Android it won’t matter that 0.0000001% doesn’t.
So it is a conflict and not a “special military operation”?
As I understand it it’s the anti-cheat that is the problem. If this is the only problem there is essentially only two possible ways to get Fortnite running in Linux:
Since a major part of anti-cheat systems is preventing people circumventing it I would say that the easiest path would be getting epic to support Linux. One valid argument would be to play Fortnite on Steamdeck .
I’m pretty sure it has been proved that the weapons supplied by the US dismisses the importance of Putin.
Essentially it only moves the borders of the partitions and “repairs” the filesystem inside each affected partition.
If there is data in an area inside the partion you are manipulating gparted has to move the data to an area inside the partition that is unaffected or move it to the new parts of the partition. This can take a long time even if modern PCs easily move 100MB/s
Also, even if gparted is mature software and the devs probably have implemented a lot of security measures you should always backup your data before manipulating the partitions. Especially when you’re playing around with filesystems that aren’t native like NTFS or more complicated filesystems like ZFS. I know people often nag about this but trust me… Blow 2TB of your data and you really really regret not spending 10 minutes backing up the essentials.
I’ve been using gparted for as long as I can remember and only once or twice has it caused dats loss. Since I’m very old school (started playing with PCs when 386DX 16MHz was fairly hot and RLL disks were a thing) and nerdy I was able to use data rescue software that looked for filesystems over the whole disk and guessed where partition borders should be.
Avoid this type of anxiety by backing up all data or at least backing up the data you can’t live without.
Also, if you have a spare disk, it’s faster and much safer to partition the spare one and just clone each partition. Sometimes it’s even faster to clone the disk this way and then clone it back.
I’d rather have to open up stuff my self then have an uninvited visitor doing it without me knowing about it.
While high speed trains reach speeds up to around 350kmh ordinary trains reach speeds up to around 250kmh.
So while high speed trains can go about 50% faster than ordinary trains the price tag for building and maintaining is many times more expensive compared to ordinary railway.
So let’s start maintaining the railways we have and build more. Making sure that it’s possible to go from point A to point B safely and in time
Then we start building high speed railways, connecting major cities.
Yeah… Russians are known for their ability to reverse engineer and circumvent protections of all sorts… For good and bad…
I’m pretty sure it won’t take long before there are easy ways to circumvent whatever VPN blocking Putin invests in…
So it’s time for our EU politicians to step up then…
Hey, US, where are you in this? We need you guys to get on board with the right to privacy…
W2k was awesome. Great stability. However, the legacy from Windows NT meant that applications had no direct access to hardware which games of that time required.
That was a showstopper for most users outside the enterprise world.
Slovakia will ending their support for Ukraine isn’t a problem as to what will happen when the US and EU stops supporting Slovakia.
The amount of money the US and EU has poured into Slovakia the last ten twenty years is far from insignificant.
If Slovakia decides to stop believing in Europe then Europe will stop believing in Slovakia.
Windows does that automatically when switching from Linux to Windows… 😁
It’s a well known fact that every second major release of Windows is crap.
I thought the new upgrade scheme (2 editions per year) Microsoft introduced with Windows 10 would be like “every second release will suck” but it started to look like Microsoft were able to break the curse…
…and then Windows 11 happened.
The article you’re linking to starts with security researchers who installed their own backdoor which went undetected. Then it continues with a warning about the dangers of not being able to check if the firmware actually is a firmware actually from the vendor and not a manipulated one.
While I’m pro open source and agree that there are dangers not knowing what firmware is used I fail to see how an open source firmware / bios world be immune to be switched out.
What am I missing here?
Du you have any like about bios and sloppy engineering that I can read up on
Yup. Just like my Nexus 10. Even though no one loves it I still do…
You’re wrong.
You just have to know that there’s a lot of people that do think that all those people are beneath them and if the one you’re vouching is not like that it’s exactly what you would say.
On the other hand … If you already decided that Kutcher is an asshole I’m pretty sure you would jump to your conclusion.
Commodore 1581
It could be used with Commodore 128, which could run CP/M.