tweet by Calum @MrMakeFun:

Right: Let’s do genocide
Left: Let’s not do genocide
Center: Guys, you’re gonna have to compromise, let’s just do /some/ genocide
Right: I guess I can live with that for now
Left: No
Center: See, this is why no one likes the left, you guys are the real extremists, smh

  • EvilMonkeySlayer
    -151 year ago

    The comments in here are literally the Spiderman pointing meme.

    Right, left and so forth have all committed genocides, mass killings etc. Grow the fuck up you partisan hacks.

    What stupidity, god damn.

    • MemeCollectorOP
      101 year ago

      The spidermen are you centrists and the meme, you’re just too deep in cognitive dissonance to see it

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Nah. fuck all of it, left right and center, and live for humanity instead. Anything else is the same old slave life.

        If you can’t withstand pure unadulterated chaos then being alive wasn’t meant for you.

        • MemeCollectorOP
          1 year ago

          Na none of that eugenicist noise here.
          Life doesn’t have to be as terrible as capitalism has convinced you it does, and if you want to maintain that mindset, whatever, but you don’t get to judge who is or isn’t meant to be alive based on those misguided views.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago


            I can’t believe I used to fuck with the left during 2020, turns out it’s the same pathetic shit as maga.

            I bet you are able to stop weather too? Grow up, you can’t control humanity or life. At all.

            Now go out to a field during a lighting storm and tell the lightening “No! Don’t do that”… You will see it means nothing to the universe which is in control of literally everything.

            left, right and center are all based on extreme naiveness and greed.

            Life is yin and yang and no one will ever be able to fuck with that, just take a look at history.

            None of this means I wouldnt take bat to a Nazis head ffwiw.