tweet by Calum @MrMakeFun:

Right: Let’s do genocide
Left: Let’s not do genocide
Center: Guys, you’re gonna have to compromise, let’s just do /some/ genocide
Right: I guess I can live with that for now
Left: No
Center: See, this is why no one likes the left, you guys are the real extremists, smh

  • @slumlordthanatos
    631 year ago

    “Meet me in the middle”, says the dishonest man.

    You take a step forward, he takes a step back.

    “Meet me in the middle”, says the dishonest man.

  • @MiddleWeigh
    181 year ago

    From an American stand point, I just hate we are forced to fall into the DNC party line or be considered fascist, when the system is just broken. I vote dem every time, and I’m def not a centrist, but there is enough flaws all around. One side is just way fkn worse, which allows the other to not actually do anything and collect money the entire way on the back of a broken system. The both sides thing has credence but doesn’t actually get us anywhere, cause thats the way the system works. I don’t know. It almost seems staged, in how laughable American politics is. I don’t really blame people for the deep state thinking, cause there is a deep state : corporate interest, profit and greed. The frustration is just taken out on the wrong people imo, but the sentiment I can agree on. Most right wingers are dumb af, or just ass hole people incapable of self betterment. There are smarter conservatives, who can logic, but they get caught up in some force fit petty god and lose me right there. The left doesn’t exist here as a party, by design, it is not in the interest of the powers that be, so. I’m just a blue collar lefty in a right wing section of american. My everyday is quite jarring. And most of the people I have interaction with are not fascist, they are just more susceptible to that sort of messaging. They want the same thing everyone else does, but they’ve been spoon fed hateful rhetoric to keep them pointing blame elsewhere. There is an aversion to introspection I find gross, but largely just comes down to what rhetoric you’ve been raised on, and how often your exposed to different things and people. Wild ass country atm.

    • Aesthesiaphilia
      91 year ago

      which allows the other to not actually do anything and collect money the entire way

      The Democrats have had a supermajority once in the last 20 years, for a few months, and they used it to pass the greatest expansion of health care since FDR, which saved countless lives.

      People keep saying “oh the democrats don’t do anything” but whenever we actually put them in power, they do loads of things.

      • @1847953620
        11 year ago

        Obama screwed us out of 2 supreme court seats by being a pushover

      • MemeCollectorOP
        1 year ago

        Be gone liberal

        E: they do loads of things except even attempt to disrupt the status quo because they benefit from it as much as the cons do

    • MemeCollectorOP
      1 year ago

      The system isn’t broken, it’s working as intended (including it bein a theatre).
      And I don’t blame those at the bottom for believing what they’ve been socialised to, but I also refuse to coddle them in to thinking it’s ok, not in the age of information when they can do better.
      Also don’t call people dumb, that’s ableist.

      • @MiddleWeigh
        41 year ago

        Broken to me, and many, I should have specified. I agree on the coddling, which is why I call bullshit when I can. Sometimes you have to pick your battles as some people just want to be angry, in which case im just not dealing with you on a personal level at all ftmp. Sorry about my choice of words, my bad. It was low hanging fruit for something far more nuanced than “dumb”.

        • MemeCollectorOP
          11 year ago

          I get where you’re coming from but think it’s still important to point out that you (and me and all working class people) experiencing only a “broken” system is also in itself a feature not a bug. Keeping us struggling and downtrodden means we’ll work that much harder too reach the (impossible) dream they motivate us with, or to avoid even worse struggles like homelessness that they always keen on display.
          It isn’t something you are doing wrong, nor is it something you can avoid through any action or inaction. It’s just how the system is, and the only way to change it is to abolish the system.
          And to get the numbers we need to do that, we need to wake more people up, even if it makes them uncomfortable. The alternative being much much more uncomfortable, they just don’t see themselves as the targets yet.

          here are some alternative words to consider in the future, there are several lists like this out there to check out!

          • @MiddleWeigh
            21 year ago

            I’m with you 💯 your words ring true in my mind. I will look at this list right now.

  • @SickPanda
    01 year ago

    there is a difference between right and far right. you are describing far right as right.

    and you are far left my friend.

    • MemeCollectorOP
      -41 year ago

      Lmfao, no, there isn’t.
      But yes, I am far left! The only group trying to actually end capitalism instead of pander to it like the others, making you all complicit no matter what the ovetton window calls you…

      • @SickPanda
        31 year ago

        your comment smells like uneducated and indoctrinated murican. I pity you because you fell for the red and blue lie.

        • MemeCollectorOP
          1 year ago

          Lmfao wrong on all counts, but hey whatever makes you feel less embarrassed for having such a narrow and misguided understanding of politics 😂

          • @SickPanda
            11 year ago

            Saying that there is no difference between right and far right, is the same bullshit as saying there is no difference between left and far left. Get yourself some education in politics my friend, then you don’t smell like a murican who fell for the red and blue lie

  • @Nelsonat0r
    -21 year ago

    You’re allowed to fully disagree with things on either side…

        • @Arsisaria
          01 year ago

          That’s not a real thing. Genocide is a tool of the fascist right, and only the fascist right.

      • @Nelsonat0r
        11 year ago

        I mean the centrist could disagree with that particular view but agree with others on the right. As he could with views on the left. Why would he have to agree to any views? A genocide is a genocide, no matter the size…

        • MemeCollectorOP
          1 year ago

          Centrists enable all genocide but never disruption of the status quo. it’s literally the point of the meme

  • EvilMonkeySlayer
    -151 year ago

    The comments in here are literally the Spiderman pointing meme.

    Right, left and so forth have all committed genocides, mass killings etc. Grow the fuck up you partisan hacks.

    What stupidity, god damn.

    • MemeCollectorOP
      101 year ago

      The spidermen are you centrists and the meme, you’re just too deep in cognitive dissonance to see it

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Nah. fuck all of it, left right and center, and live for humanity instead. Anything else is the same old slave life.

        If you can’t withstand pure unadulterated chaos then being alive wasn’t meant for you.

        • MemeCollectorOP
          1 year ago

          Na none of that eugenicist noise here.
          Life doesn’t have to be as terrible as capitalism has convinced you it does, and if you want to maintain that mindset, whatever, but you don’t get to judge who is or isn’t meant to be alive based on those misguided views.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago


            I can’t believe I used to fuck with the left during 2020, turns out it’s the same pathetic shit as maga.

            I bet you are able to stop weather too? Grow up, you can’t control humanity or life. At all.

            Now go out to a field during a lighting storm and tell the lightening “No! Don’t do that”… You will see it means nothing to the universe which is in control of literally everything.

            left, right and center are all based on extreme naiveness and greed.

            Life is yin and yang and no one will ever be able to fuck with that, just take a look at history.

            None of this means I wouldnt take bat to a Nazis head ffwiw.

  • @MoonshineDegreaser
    1 year ago

    Which genocide are we centrists getting accused of pandering to this time? And in my personal opinion, both sides suck and there are too many on both sides trying to fuel the rift of hate and isolation. Both allow the actions of a few people be a judgement of the whole people. But yes. The centrists are to blame

    • MemeCollectorOP
      1 year ago

      All of them, centrists literally enable all fascists and authoritarians, it’s what you do, not really something to brag so proudly about supporting.

      E: omfg they edited in that whole second half just to get the “both sides” in there for good measure, they can’t help themselves 🤣🤣🤣

      • @MoonshineDegreaser
        41 year ago

        I actually did that before you even replied the first time. Nice try

      • @MoonshineDegreaser
        -151 year ago

        I’m not bragging. But I’m also not going to hide my beliefs because people don’t like it. Accusing centrists of things like that is the same as accusing libs of abandoning military personnel in combat zones. Also accusing them getting away with potential espionage (Clinton’s basement computer). You see where I’m going with this?

        • @Arsisaria
          51 year ago

          Read some books, I beg you. Look at the position of every centrist party in every country in history before, leading up to and during every single war. They vote almost in lock step with the right, and often use the spectre of the “extreme left” to justify siding with fascists. Please, just do a little reading about Weimar Germany, pre-fascist Italy, imperial japan etc.

          • @MoonshineDegreaser
            -91 year ago

            Thanks for the info. But as far as I know we aren’t talking about Weimar Germany or pre-fascist Italy, or imperial Japan. Political parties change. After the Civil War the democratic and republican parties flipped. Lincoln was a republican, but in this day and age, he would swing more left. And I might have a Mississippi education, but last time I checked, you can be in a certain party and disagree with the stands. If that weren’t the case, then I guess Liz Cheney is wrong for stepping and pointing out that something is wrong with the republican party?

            • @Shalakushka
              1 year ago

              If you think there are no similarities between the current US and the Weimar Republic you either are excited about where it went or you are just genuinely that ill informed.

              You can be in a certain party up to a point. At a certain point, you are choosing loyalty and in group affiliation over morals. Also Liz Cheney is an imperialist shitbag like her dad, she was right about literally one thing and is otherwise abhorrent.

            • @Arsisaria
              41 year ago

              Centrism isn’t a party. It can’t “switch sides”. It’s an ideology. An ideology which exists exclusively in relationship to the context from which it’s born. The ideology of centrism, by definition, exists in the same place in all contexts. And the political reality of what the left and right do in any given context, contesting or maintaining the status quo, means that the centrist is always, defintionally, just conservative lite. We conserve some stuff but not others. They keep this ideological cancer even when the right wants to literally genocide. The OP is a joke, but it’s based in the historical reality of centrist politicians and their voting base under liberal democracy. I urge you to read a book, ideally something outside of the American education business.

    • DessertStorms
      61 year ago

      Even though you’re not even claiming to be a liberal, but a proud centrist (lmfao, clown), I think if you actually cared, these could still be applied to answer your “question” (you clearly don’t care and aren’t asking because you actually want to know, and these links aren’t really for you, but if you ever feel like taking your head out of your ass, they might be a good place to start):

      (am really getting some good use out of these links!)


      • @MoonshineDegreaser
        -11 year ago

        First things first, I haven’t insulted you or talked down to you, I would appreciate the same.

        Secondly, what do you know about ME other than our minimal interaction on the internet? You make a judgement call for a few sentences and that’s just fine and dandy?

        Third, I do care in my own individual way. Why can’t we look inside a single group and root out the individual bad seeds. You think every centrist wants to enable genocide? That’s a really closed off perspective.

        I acknowledge the history in those articles you gave. Thank you for those BTW. But in this day and age, things aren’t so black and white. It’s difficult for people to make changes for the better while being accused of being a fascist, or a clown, or an enabler. Every single day there is evidence that the individual should be looked at, not who they associate or affiliate with. In my opinion people don’t even get the chance to condemn before they have the exact same label that their counterpart has.

        No. You don’t need to listen to every statement the other side has to say. That’s ridiculous and if that was expected, then that completely does away with free thought and fascist.

        No. Not everything needs to be compromised. Nothing should be compromised when it comes to basic human rights and needs ((that includes healthcare (physical and mental) housing, food, education.

        Still consider myself a centrist. Sorry if that offends you