Rogan promoted the conspiracy theory that Epps was an “agent provocateur” for the feds, a baseless claim that has led to a defamation suit against Fox News.

  • Robbeee
    2 years ago

    The president and commander-on-chief of the United States had just heavily implied it would be a good idea. Those of them not just caught up in the enthusiasm probably thought they would have military support. Trump always appealed to people that can’t really separate reality from movies and they thought they were living the climax. Reality is, however, much more pragmatic than that and they were lucky they were of the privileged class so they were merely arrested rather than gunned down the way anyone else storming a federal building would be.

      2 years ago

      One of the more interesting facts that came out as they were arrested was that the bulk of attendees there that day were wealthy white men, usually business owners, lawyers, that sort, who all came from Blue cities where the demographics had been getting a LOT browner in the last ten years.

      So when they chant about “Take OUR country back,” guess who they’re taking it back from? Hm?

      Let me re-iterate, most of the group were from Blue states, not Red. There were quite a few Californians.

      Of course, being quite literally the idle wealthy, they were able to fly to DC, no big deal, and then hang out there for a while, no big deal, because they didn’t have to hold down jobs, other people were stuck back home making their money for them. They had plenty of cash for the excursion and all their toys. I’m sure they were staying in nice hotel rooms.

      Here’s a source for all that

      • Robbeee
        2 years ago

        A number also took private flights. Unless you happen to live where its taking place you have to possess the means to afford travel, a place to stay, and potentially legal fees to attend a protest. You also, as you said, need to be able to afford the time off work. This restricts most protests to college students and PMCs with a few locals thrown in.