The official Steam page for Deep Silver and Starbreeze’s PAYDAY 3 game has been updated to show the use of this ever-controversial third-party DRM.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Since when does Denuvo block mods?

    The whole point of Denuvo (and any DRM in games) is to prevent modifying the running code. Unless there’s some kind of official modding system, there will be no way to inject DLLs or do anything else invasive to the running game.

    • @beefcat
      1 year ago

      I run ReShade with Denuvo-protected games all the time.

      Lol you guys are idiots. ReSahde no longer exists because it proves my point? I suppose all the RE4 mods on NexusMods are also fake. And all the other mods for Denuvo protected games.

      Step outside of your bubble once in a while.