I hate that everything now is a subscription service instead of buying it and do whatever you want.

  • @MiddleWeigh
    11 months ago

    That is crazy.

    Like a damn laundromat. So is LG gonna supply water and power too? Wtf are the charging for? The right to buy their product? Lmao. Fuck off.

    Go analog. Real analog. Sticks and stones baby.

    • @MrJameGumb
      3611 months ago

      The article said the subscription was for “software updates” which really seems like something they should provide for free anyway so you’re really just paying for the privilege to use their precious machine that you already paid for lol

      • Programmer Belch
        4511 months ago

        Software updates for what? New ways to wash your clothes? I only use like two or three settings in mine

        • @MrJameGumb
          2511 months ago

          Knowing LG it’s probably updates to make it play Jingle Bells at Christmas time or something lol

          • Rouxibeau
            1611 months ago

            Sounds like paywalling security updates.

            • @cashsky
              1311 months ago

              Those pesky hackers turning off my washing machine when I’m trying to do laundry!

              • Pleb
                1211 months ago

                Well, if your washing machine was connected to the internet you would also need security updates. Of course the only reason you’d connect your washing machine to the internet would be in order to get said security updates in the first place.

                Great job creating a need by developing the fix for it in the first place.

                • @joenforcer
                  111 months ago

                  Alerts for when the washer finishes its cycle. Reminders on when to do a tub clean. More detail when certain errors or anomalies are detected. Additional wash cycles for special load/fabric types that don’t fit on the dial.I have used the internet connection on my washer for all of these things and it has been very useful.

                  • Lemon
                    1411 months ago

                    My magical washing machine somehow knows how to do those things without an internet connection.

              • @_wampa__stompa
                911 months ago

                Potentially more serious than that. A poorly protected washing machine (or any other IOT device) can serve as an attack vector into your local network.

                • @[email protected]
                  1111 months ago

                  You’re not wrong, but why the hell does a washing machine need to be Internet connected in the first place?

                  And since the first answer is always “So it can tell me when the cycle is done,” set a frickin timer if it’s that big of a deal.

                  • @electrogamerman
                    210 months ago

                    I think maybe to turn in on remotely. Lets say you leave to work in the morning and you want to have your clothes washed and/or dried when you arrive from work, then you can turn it on remotely, but its still stupid

        • @[email protected]
          911 months ago

          I think it’s for “smart” washing machines that you can control from your phone etc. So that’s likely what the “updates” would be related too…why you’d need to control your washing machine from afar is beyond me but some people love smart gadgets and will by anything that connects to their phone.

          • @[email protected]
            711 months ago

            I hate the make everything a smart appliance trend… Grills, washers and dryers, dishwashers, coffee machines… WHY? No one needs this shit.

          • @mayo
            611 months ago

            There are cases for it, eg programming a wash to occur when energy demand is low.

            In my opinion we should be pursuing technologies to do this that don’t require an internet connection. Even being able to program a schedule into the machine and it can detect if something is in there or not. That would be enough since energy usage follows a relatively consistent plot. These companies don’t give a shit about anything other than coming up with ways to make more money.

            • @[email protected]
              910 months ago

              The cost of the laundry subscription is likely to vastly out cost the energy savings it may provide.

              • @mayo
                210 months ago

                Ya it’s a shit idea to go subscription in any situation. You really do not need any kind of ongoing updates/subscription unless the product was built around a subscription model. If it can done mechanically on basic programmable outlets then it can be coded the same way. I would be fine buying a laundry machine, asking my utilities provider what time to run it, and then programming that into the machine manually.

      • @[email protected]
        2411 months ago

        Fucking software updates for a washing machine? If my washing machine needs a software update, that should be a fucking recall. A washing machine should be a fully embedded system imo.

        • @DrQuint
          1911 months ago

          It’s updates for the cybersecurity that exists strictly only because it is connected to the internet which in turn is something that exists strictly only because there’s software updates.

          Megaman Battle Network was prophetic. Terrorist will flood your house using a phone.

          • @DarkMatter_contract
            10 months ago

            Why would anyone connect a washing machine to the internet??? To play Skyrim?

      • @[email protected]
        1811 months ago

        I hope this is rage bait because I can’t think of any reason a washing machine would ever need a software update. Is it like a smart machine? If so then just let me disable it