For me its Everything, makes finding files extremely fast and easier than with Windows Explorer

  • @ArtVandelay
    22 years ago

    np++ is still my go to for ad hoc note taking. there are a million beautiful apps for this purpose, but nothing beats the fast startup of np++. Plus you can rename tabs without saving them and just keep them indefinitely. For some reason, no other app lets you do this, they all require saving the file.

    • @icesentry
      22 years ago

      Why would you ever want to not save a file?

      • Alien Surfer
        22 years ago

        I do this all the time. I pull up an editor, take notes on something I’m doing because I can’t always fit it all in my mind I don’t need to save the note cause, it was just a temporary place to store data/info/thoughts.

        • @icesentry
          12 years ago

          I get that for quick notes, but I don’t get it when it’s something that is stored indefinitely.

          • Alien Surfer
            12 years ago

            Maybe packrats of the mind? Really requires an extremely good search engine for all that. I find that storing everything doesn’t work for me because, ultimately, I have trouble finding it again.