I’ve been making charts forever and whenever the data is negative, I move the x-axis labels to bottom-centre to get them out of the way of the bars. Suddenly, this isn’t working anymore.

I choose ‘bottom-centre’ or ‘middle’ and they just don’t move.

Any suggestions?

Attached is a Google pic of what it should be doing. Note the x-axis labels are at the bottom (A, B, C, D etc). I can’t move mine at all.

No, the options to move the labels aren’t greyed out. They’re selectable, they just do nothing.

EDIT: Fixed. It’s been moved to Labels > Labels Position. There must have been an update.

  • @sherlockholmes
    11 year ago

    Unsure of the answer as I rarely make charts but is your canvas/chart box big enough for the changes you’re selecting?