Is there any community or communities you like the most?

  • TeaHands
    2 years ago

    I see we’re all shilling the communities we mod, which makes sense if you think about it. So in that vein:

    For more gamedev-related communities we’ve got a sticky post here, and for more crafting communities of all shapes and sizes there’s one here!

    Apart from those I’ve been hanging around in [email protected] since both my and its very first day here on Lemmy. Like the name suggests, basically just casual UK chatter without the scourge of politics. Lots of moaning about the weather.

    [email protected] could do with more Pratchett fans finding it, it’s been pretty dead for the last month (not entirely surprising though as the subreddit wasn’t huge either).

    And another shoutout to [email protected] because LOL.