Do, you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed and why?

  • @CurlyMoustache
    22 years ago

    Winter: Closed. It can get to -25C where I live, and I need to sleep with the window open. I don’t want the rest of my house ruined with the door open.

    Summer: depends on the heat. If OK, closed. If too hot, door ajar

    • @swag_money
      22 years ago

      do you have your window open when the outside temperature is in the negatives?

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        Lol of course you would. Need fresh air.

        edit: plus im guessing they live in norway or finland (ignoring sweden cuz fuck sweden) or canada. And we are used to the cold. Ive gone to school (2.7km at the time) in -33 C without gloves and normal clothes so

        • @swag_money
          32 years ago

          only -33 hey? i wish where i lived was that warm. I’ve gone to WORK (4km uphill both ways) in -40 without a shirt and just my booty shorts so…

          • @[email protected]
            12 years ago

            Yea seems about right. U was lucky and lived at the sea. But someplaces in the region got to -45 in winter for several months