For me it’s sunny, the temperature is 15 C, and the wind is blowing at 0.56 m/s. I don’t know what that that is in imperial units. Also their’s a drought where I live

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    51 year ago

    I live in the Midwest of the US, so I get all 4 glorious seasons, though the summer is especially hot and winter is especially cold. I actually enjoy the winter, I get in touch w my Slavic side(as cringe as that sounds lol) I get to wear my ushanka and I feel so warm inside when I spit out семечки shells into the snow while listening to Катюша or some Воровайкии. I despise summer only because of my extremely active sweat glands. Other than my body’s unfortunate overreaction to heat, I enjoy reading outside and drinking Maté 🧉 while listening to Latin Jazz(if you haven’t already guessed, music is a HUGE part of my enjoyment of the weather) it doesn’t rain by me often, but when it does I satiate my Irish side and listen to Irish rebel songs(most of which are quite calm and soothing surprisingly). Great question btw, I love talking about the weather, it’s my go-to/favorite small-talk topic☺️

    • Rasm653u [He/him]OP
      31 year ago

      In Denmark, the summers are also very hot, but the winters are rarely cold enough for snowfall

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        31 year ago

        I’m surprised you don’t get much snow, I always thought that Denmark was snowy huh 🤔. Well, good to know, I wouldn’t have guessed that