I worked hard at imitating the Leonard Nimoy Spock’s raised eyebrow for quite a while. I don’t regret the time spent practicing that in front of a mirror. I never mastered a fully raised eyebrow, but I can do a slight eyebrow raise.

Whenever someone is being greedy or acting a fool, I say, “hoo-man,” in a bad Ferengi accent.

Jean-Luc Picard’s “make it so” is a go to phrase for me.

My first sip of coffee for the day is always my Janeway moment.

When someone says something far fetched, I say “really.” I think I’m channeling Benjamin Sisko. No one else sees it that way.

I say “p’takh” a bit too often. Not to anyone who understands Klingon. Not yet, anyway.

Any Star Trek mannerism or phrase you’ve incorporated into your life?

  • catshit_dogfart
    2 years ago

    Anytime I see or hear the word “females” when speaking about a woman, I can’t help but say - feeee-malesss - in a hissing and lecherous voice.

    Also I like this Patak brand of curry, and I think “p’takh” every time I open the jar.