It often happens that a given lemmy link didn’t match with my own login from another instance. This causes troubles to comment and participate in the thread. This is what I have learned so far. Is there a better method of doing this? Browser extension suggestions are welcome.


  • Have an account @username on instance lemmy.test and being logged in
  • Given a lemmy link
  • Want to comment as @username@lemmy.test on

Expected behavior:

  • Opening links from automatically recognizes login from lemmy.test, commenting and voting done without problems

Actual behavior:

  • Instance expects logins only from its own server, not other federated servers like lemmy.test

Manual fix (for web browsers):

  • Check for the “federation link” (the icon with five-colored star, is there a name for this?) from linked URL’s page. (If the icon does not exist, check Observations below)
  • Open “search” from own instance (lemmy.test > search)
  • Enter the “federation link” at search bar.
  • First result should be a URL that’s compatible with the own instance: e.g. lemmy.test/post/98765


  • If the link and its OP shares the same instance domain ( posting to !, then the federation link should be the link itself (please confirm if this is actually true).
  • If not, then the “federation link” has to be obtained.
  • INCLUDE HTTPS before domain, otherwise it won’t appear in the search: OK NOT OK

  • Coelacanth
    52 years ago

    I don’t think I’m aware of a way to link to a specific post or comment natively in a way that allows every user to see it on their home instance. There are some userscripts that fix this problem, and I think some of the apps do, too. Here is one (requires Violentmonkey or the like)