Looking for an app for note-taking with the following features:

  • No ads ever
  • No nudges to upgrade, subscribe, unlock premium features, or any bullshit like that.
  • No recurring fee (ok paying up-front for the app)
  • Clean, simple interface

That’s it. I don’t need multimedia, multi-device syncing, cloud storage. I just need a place to write down ideas and grocery lists.


  • Halo
    2 years ago

    One option is Notally on F-droid and on the Google Play Store. It’s FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and it has all of the features you mentioned. I use it as my everyday note taking app and I have zero complaints so far.

    There’s Safe Notes on F-Droid as well, which is pretty much identical to Notally feature-wise, but your notes are encrypted (locally).