
Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned about a possible drop in Black voter turnout for the 2024 presidential election, according to party insiders. The worries arise from a 10% decrease in Black voter turnout in the 2022 midterms compared to 2018, a more substantial decline than any other racial or ethnic group, as per a Washington Post analysis. The decline was particularly significant among younger and male Black voters in crucial states like Georgia, where Democrats aim to mobilize Black voter support for President Biden in 2024.

The Democratic party has acknowledged the need to bolster their outreach efforts to this demographic. W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, highlighted the need for Democrats to refocus their attention on Black male voters, who have shown lower levels of engagement. In response, Biden’s team has pledged to communicate more effectively about the benefits that the Black community has reaped under Biden’s administration, according to Cedric L. Richmond, a senior advisor at the Democratic National Committee.

However, Black voter advocates have identified deep-seated issues affecting Black voter turnout. Many Black men reportedly feel detached from the political process and uninspired by both parties’ policies. Terrance Woodbury, CEO of HIT Strategies, a polling firm, suggests that the Democratic party’s focus on countering Trump and Republican extremism doesn’t motivate younger Black men as much as arguments focused on policy benefits. Concerns are growing within the party that if they fail to address these issues, disenchanted Black voters might either abstain or, potentially, be swayed by Republican messaging on certain key issues.

  • Rottcodd
    91 year ago

    Oh look - election season has officially kicked off with the DNC’s first attempt at trying to guilt trip people into voting for their shitty candidate.

    Expect many MANY more of these in the months to come.

    It really takes a special kind of scumbag to decide that the proper strategy is to nominate a dismally corrupt and/or incompetent sack of shit then try to guilt trip people into voting for them and blame the voters if they lose, when they could just nominate a decent candidate and people would willingly and even eagerly vote for them and they’d win easily.

    I sometimes wonder what it’s like to be that entirely devoid of principles or integrity.

    I imagine it involves a lot of alcohol.

    • prole
      1 year ago

      Nobody needs to initiate any type of guilt trip. We’ve all been through 4 years of Trump. We currently are (finally) starting to see the indictments that wrought.

      We have seen what DeSantis has done to Florida. Where, just today, they effectively outlawed AP Psychology for high school students. State-level brain drain, and trans genocide.

      There’s no option here and you’re a piece of shit if you don’t vote, or if you vote for the party that is literally an organized crime syndicate at this point, with a candidate who literally (and I mean like literally literally) should be in prison right now.

      If you still need to be guilt tripped in order to make the right choice, then it sounds like you’re kind of a piece of shit.

      • @hark
        01 year ago

        We saw all that because democrats thought they knew best and pushed hillary as the nominee in 2016. A candidate so shitty that she lost against trump of all people. Many important lessons that democrats refuse to learn – likely intentionally. But yeah, shame voters for not voting the way you want them to instead of, you know, giving them something worth voting for. Truly a democracy.

        • prole
          1 year ago

          Yes, we live in a fundamentally broken country. What are you going to do about it? Do you think abstaining from voting is gonna help? Or maybe you’ll really stick it to them with a “protest vote”?

          OR, are you going to vote for people (down ballot too, something Bernie Bros who gave up on the DNC didn’t seem to care about after they found out he lost) that aren’t actively promoting LGBTQ genocide, aren’t gutting our public education, aren’t refusing to accept climate change is real, and who aren’t pushing their respective states (and now nation) over a precipice to literal fascism? What do you think happens after that? Leftist thought leaders will magically lead us to glorious revolution? I assume after we un-execute them, of course.

          The only way to ever get where you want to go is through gradual change. Moving the Overton window (something that right has gotten figured out) more and more left with each local, state, and federal election, until candidates that more closely match your values are actually viable (because of a sane Overton window).

          That doesn’t happen overnight, unless you’re advocating for literal revolution, and more often than not that doesn’t really achieve the original stated goals. And a bunch of dead people for literally nothing.

          • @hark
            1 year ago

            I vote every time and for democrats down the entire ballot every single time. I’m just not stupid enough to think that’ll change anything and I’m not stupid enough to think you can browbeat people into voting the way you want “because the other guy is worse”. Democrats need to do better, but they won’t because they’re not sincere.

            Oh yeah, and those “Bernie Bros” voted for Hillary in higher numbers than Hillary supporters voted for Obama (they chose to vote for McCain instead) so quit it with the smug superiority act.

    • DarkGamer
      -21 year ago

      I’m really sick of people on the left playing this game. In politics, the perfect is often the enemy of the good. Biden is the candidate because he’s the incumbent and has the best chance of winning. Full stop. He’s not a shitty candidate even if he isn’t your perfect candidate.